Neighboring, the book
A collection of essays, poems, doodles and ideas to help us reimagine what it means to be a neighbor to each other, in the places we live and for our planet. Available in paperback or as a free PDF download for subscribers.

On the spring equinox, I joined a writing community to help me nudge along this idea that had been floating around in my brain and release it into the world. As a coach there reminded us, "Perfect is a myth. We're writing imperfect books. But the words matter and the stories matter and the practice of writing them matters. The act of putting these words into the world is generous."
So here it goes. I'm gently sending this little zine-turned-book off into the world. This topic deserves much more, and I'm happy to make a small contribution to the discourse. Thanks for reading.

NEIGHBORING: Learning to be a better neighbor to each other, our places and our planet
A collection of essays, poems, doodles and ideas to help us reimagine what it means to be a neighbor to each other, in the places we live and for our planet. Available in paperback or as a free PDF download for subscribers.